Since our foundation in 2016, we have placed good governance at the core of the work that we carry out. Strong governance is essential for the long term success and sustainability of our organisation. This ethos has been embraced by all of our charity trustees and has been central to our achievements to date.

Step Out Ireland take an open
and transparent approach to our
work. We make information
available about how we operate
and the services we provide.
Step Out Ireland is on the Journey of
compliance with the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Governance Code – a code of practice specifically developed for the not for profit sector.
Step Out Ireland is a fully registered charity (CRA No. 20105822) and is compliant with all reporting requirements of the authority.
Step Out Ireland prepares annual accounts in line with the requirements of the charities regulator and
industry best practice. Our most recent accounts are here
Step Out Ireland have adopted the requirements set out in the CRAs Guidelines for Charitable
Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.
Step Out Ireland is governed
by a voluntary Board of
Directors from a range of
relevant professional
backgrounds. The Board of
Directors are responsible for
providing leadership,
strategic direction, financial
oversight, and good